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Guryanova O.

Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Design and Advertising Department, Synergy University; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Continuing Professional Education "Academy of Media Industry"
Moscow, Russia

Approach to enhance the sharpness of the image by separating the contour information of software and hardware

The article is devoted to the current problem of sharpening the reproduced image. The article describes the processing of image information with the aim of sharpening. To increase the sharpness of the image, it is proposed to use the method of selection of the contour information of the original with its subsequent preservation and combination with the original image. To highlight the contour information offers the choice of the optimal operator for image segmentation. Image segmentation using information extraction operators was carried out in the MATLAB software environment. The work investigated the quality of the Sobel operator, the Prewitt operator, and the laplacian gaussian, since other operators do not meet the necessary requirements for the accuracy of contour reproduction. To assess the quality of work and accuracy of reproduction by the operators of part contours, a test object was created and used, which was created using the Adobe Illustrator software environment. The article presents the main stages of the proposed technique: image discretization, selection of contour information, combination of contour information with the original image. As a result of the work carried out, the criteria for obtaining contour information were determined, at which image sharpness would be enhanced: high resolution of the original source; lack of coarse discretization of contour lines; precise alignment of the contour information with the original image. For the selection of contours, the Sobel operator was chosen as the most accurately selecting contour. For the selected images, the proposed method is applied, prints are obtained. Prints are evaluated by a group of experts. Expert evaluation of impressions shows that the use of methods to improve the sharpness of the image gives unambiguously positive results.

Study of moire formation in the reproduction of information using software methods

The article is devoted to the current problem of the study of moiré formation in the reproduction of information using software methods. As a result of the study, the structures that cause the greatest appearance of moiré when rastering the image of the test object were identified. Also, the main regularities were revealed: strong noise of raster structures leads to loss of the image of the test object; the spectra of fields with noticeable moiré formation are modified due to the appearance of extra harmonics, independent of the semantics of the image; the more clearly and noticeably moiré in the image, the more the spectrum view changes, in which additional spectral lines appear; the smaller the difference between the optical density of the background and the optical density of the stroke, the more structural transformations caused by the interaction of the lattice and raster structure. On the basis of the study, the following conclusions were formulated: the use of an irregular raster structure leads to the absence of moiré in the image, blurring on the spectrum; the appearance of moiré when rastering the test object with stochastic structures indicates the presence of a regular component in them. In addition, the field was identified, while maintaining the bar structure, periodicity, lionachescu on the spectrum.

The use of visual information processing program tools for various printing conditions

The article is devoted to the problem of the transition to the color space of printing synthesis using the intermediate space of the mathematical evaluation of color to obtain high-quality color reproduction on various materials. The relevance of the article is caused by insufficient knowledge of the issues related to the transition from the additive system of color coordinates to subtractive when Pantone colors are substituted by CMYK. The purpose of this work is to identify a possibility of using the intermediate space of mathematical color estimation when Pantone colors are substituted by CMYK and reproduction on various materials. The objects of research are prepress processes. The subjects of the study are the methods for color evaluating and choose of the optimal correction for reproduction of an image without distortion of colors. The research problem is that the standard profile is a correspondence of color coordinates specified in tabular form, which are not enough to achieve color reproduction on reproductions without distortion. Additionally, when printing on various materials, it is necessary to take into account its’ characteristics in order to be able to create a profile of the printing press. When switching from one color space to another, additional processing is possible aimed at changing the color coordinates. The authors substantiated the conclusion that in order to print Pantone colors as a standard triad, it is necessary to determine the occurrence of color into the color gamut of the printing press and perform an additional processing for the quality color transition. The scientific novelty of the study shows the ability to print these Pantone colors with CMYK colors on various materials with the necessary physiological accuracy of reproduction. To achieve the acceptable value of the color difference in the reproduction, the use of selective correction methods is necessary. Thus, it is necessary, along with traditional methods, the authors propose to develop models, methods and means of additional processing using the capabilities of software as a combination of methods of transition from one color space to another.

Research of the possibility of sharpening image information intended for electronic publications

The article is devoted to the possibility of sharpening images intended for electronic publications through the use of mathematical filtering algorithms. It is believed that the processing of images with special filters can increase their sharpness, but in conditions of visual perception from the screen of an electronic device, the use of some filters does not always give a significant increase in sharpness. This is due to the physiological features of the structure of the human visual system, which works as a low-pass filter. If the degree of filter impacts is insufficient or the mathematical algorithm underlying the filter itself will show low efficiency under visual perception conditions, the sharpening results of image details can be completely lost. On the other hand, for the final consumer it is important to reproduce precisely those image details that relate to informative areas, which are perceived by the human eye and which determine the plot content of visual information. Thus, the effectiveness of application sharpening filters is determined by the effectiveness of their impact on the informative areas of the image. For reaching the purposes of this article, evaluation of the effectiveness of sharpening filters in terms of visual perception of final images by the consumer is carried out by the method of spectral analysis. A comparative analysis of the spectra obtained for images processed using various sharpening algorithms allows us to judge the real change in sharpness, as well as the effectiveness of the implementation of these algorithms in terms of visual perception of the image. The results of the study can be used to develop recommendations for choosing the necessary sharpening algorithm, depending on the nature of theimagesd. Read more...

Investigation of color differences in the reproduction of memorable colors on visualization devices

This work is devoted to the study of changes in color coordinates on various visualization devices during color reproduction, in particular smartphones, as one of the most commonly used devices in the modern world, which is associated with the hardware dependence of the color reproduction system. The purpose of the work is to select visualization tools, determine their technical characteristics, determine test colors for visualization on various devices, determine the tolerances in reproduction of each color when using various viewing devices. To achieve the goal, such tasks were set as the selection of images containing memorable colors. These colors are fundamental in determining the tolerances in color reproduction, since information about them is inherent in each person on the basis of his life experience and knowledge, and a change in the reproduction of memorable colors, a violation in color rendering, is the most visually noticeable. Memorable colors are converted into samples – test objects, which are used to determine coordinates in a device-independent color space. Determination of tolerances is made when changing color reproduction through the use of selective (color) correction. When solving the problem, it was noted that there are colors in which, with small changes in color coordinates, the visual component changes to a sufficiently strong degree, while other colors, with a numerically identical change, do not visually change. For the selected colors on various visualization tools, the difference in color reproduction is calculated and the calculations of color differences for different models of viewing devices with a visual difference in perception are given. Read more...