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Kazakov Oleg D.

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Digitalization, Bryansk State Technological University of Engineering
Bryansk, Russia

A mechanism for managing business process elements using its digital twin

Digital counterparts of business processes in modern conditions are used not only to analyze the process, but also to optimize its execution. The presence of feedback from the real process makes it possible to create effective automated solutions for the execution of the constituent elements of the process. In this scientific study, an improved mechanism for managing elements of an instance of a real business process using its digital counterpart is proposed. The proposed mechanism is based on the implementation of software for the orchestration of the API component call in the workflow and the orchestration of RPA robots in the logical and structural layer of the virtual representation of the digital twin of the business process. RPA robots simulate human actions on a computer by interacting with various software applications, processing data and performing operations. Orchestration, in turn, allows the orchestrator, a software or system component, to manage the sequence and flow of tasks, resources and data within the process. Since in practice, business entities, among others, solve the problem of developing and applying digital twins of reference and original business processes, this study also presents a conceptual scheme for developing a digital twin of a business process. The issues of designing a virtual business process model, at the cyber-physical level, the level of extraction and preprocessing, the level of models and algorithms, and the level of visual representation of the digital counterpart of the business process are also investigated. The benefits of running a business process using its digital counterpart include increased error reduction, faster process execution, improved quality, and the ability to easily make changes to the process in response to changing requirements. This is especially useful in modern organizations where efficiency and flexibility in managing business processes are required. Read more...