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Journal archive

№4(22) July-august 2009 year


IT business

Business analysis

Model of ruin of insurance company was considered in the paper. Parameters of premiums, paid losses and cancellation of policies were analysed. The distribution functions of premiums, paid losses and cancellation of policies contains in some classes of distribution. Risk process was generated as nonstationaryPoisson process. Monte-Carlo method was used for calculation the ruin probability. As an example a data of regional subsidiary activity of one insurance company in 2004 year is analysed by CMTPL portfolio.

IT and education

Training technologies

Author: V. Neizvestnyh

When computer science became school's discipline, computers were perceived as a certain miracle. The motivation to study computer science those years was rather strong. During the present time when the computer has been moved from the category of miracles to household appliances, access to which in many families is almost unlimited, motivation to study computer science is already in the subject. In particular, to create and support motivation to study computer science, it is possible by means of creative tasks or non-standard problems.


Experience of use and working out of electronic manuals has shown a number of advantages: inclusion of demonstration materials possibility, both traditional and interactive; convenience of various configuration of an offered material (a statement order, depth, volume); simplicity of inclusion of tests as an intermediate control device. In article various problems of creation of electronic publications are considered.

Author: P. Petrov

The new done multimedia training and testing programs showed the high level of adaptation to the real subjects with elements of training and technical testing; the building of the motor activity; professional pedagogic qualities forming. It is possible to be used as a vocabulary, trainer, training system, diagnostics of knowledge, intellectual adaptively.


Technology experiments

Decompilation is a difficult problem in reverse engi¬neering. Structural analysis (reconstruction of structural constructs like while, if-then-else, switch, etc.) is an im¬portant part of decompilation. The current paper presents several methods for structural analysis. One of the presented methods was implemented in the TyDec decompiler being developed by the authors. The paper also presents a method for reconstruction C++ exception handling constructs.

Author: V. Gudkovskij

The width of distribution and information-communication possibilities which web-blog gives stimulate active studying of the blogs. The basic directions of scientific research of the blogs are: web-blog anthropology; the research of socio-cultural aspects of online diaries; studying of the virtual communities within the limits of blogs; conformities of occurrence and functioning of public opinion within the limits of blogs to natural laws; blog sphere structure.

Authors: A. Fokin, V. Andreev

Paper is devoted to development of complex system of forecasting of functioning of cash dispenses and devices of self-service networks. On the basis of the results of the forecasting which are given out by the complex, and having broken city on «reaction sectors», probably more effectively to use human, material and other resources, and also a transport situation on roads.

Understanding of protein synthesis topological principals and translation synthesis language to algorithm language, aimed to improve existing and develop new methods of artificial protein synthesis based on modeling. That's quite important for molecular medicine and bio-informatics. This paper describes an approach to implementation molecular vector machine as finite state machine. Also DNA compiler metaphor discussed. As improvement the knot theory and machine learning methods are being considered.

Author: O. Toporkova

The article includes three models which have inde¬pendent meaning to education process: ontology model of pupil presents a structure and a dynamic of professional knowledge forming and can be using to modeling of pupil; semiotic model of translating educating space (TES) allows to provide an adaptive education during pupil and TES contact; integrating semiotic-ontology model formalize this contact and allows to control it.

Theoretical approach

Information sciences and systems

Author: V. Sutuzhko

In given clause is shown, that the reality in cogni-tivistics, studying cognitive opportunities of the person recently is most productively modeled and estimated. Modern cognitive sciences unite set non-comparable before models and the estimations of a reality presented in cognitive psychology, gnoseology, linguistics, neuropsychology, psychosemantics, cybernetics, and the mathematician, concepts of an artificial intellect, informatics and a computer science. The understanding of a reality ambiguously also depends on a method of its knowledge.

Objects as the sets of object property values are the topic of this article. We say that these sets are the object information models but also we call them semantic models. We use them in Digital Semantic Library for document indexing and to represent facts about objects in real world. The special aspect is that depending on time and situation the special subset of property values become important and also it is naturally acceptable by user.

Object recognition

Author: I. Bakina

Paper is devoted to the problem of feature genera¬tion and palm comparison in the presence of artifacts. The observed artifacts are long finger-nails, partly clenched fingers, long sleeves, which cover wrist region. These artifacts are rarely considered during recognition, while they are common in real conditions. The work contains the results of the conducted experiments. Possibility of using the obtained features is observed for the problem of person's recognition by hand geometry.

In the article the primitive recognition and feature ex¬traction methods are discussed. Application of integral transformation of image space into paramete space for lines and circle detection was presented. Inversion of the image coordinates was described along with its application for circle parameters estimation. Also method of algebraic curves of second order invariants analysis was used for estimation of circle, ellipse and hyperbola canonical parameters.


Simulation system

Author: A. Tolok

To understand about what graphic image-models our speech is going, it is necessary to distinguish a graphic model from its picture. To apply graphic image-models in a mathematical modeling, it is enough to talk about the graphic reflection of differential characteristics of the modeled analytical function. To solve multidimensional problems, it is enough to create multidimensional graphic image-models.

Software development technologies

Author: V. Artyuhin

In article it is offered to expand the definition of the computer-mediated communication, the main problems arising at interaction of subjects among themselves, users with the program and the user with the developer of software are enumerated and classed. Also here briefly described the results of research of computer games on a subject of the most often found disadvantages which are making them related with other types of software. Eleven disadvantages which descriptions (with insignificant specification) are inherent also in office and other applications are selected. Outputs are drawn on practical applicability of results of research.