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№ 6(24) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Training IT specialists
Authors: Bespal`ko A. A., Sochneva N. V.

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This article focuses on methods of training students specializing in applied informatics in economy to build up skills of posting and promoting websites in the Internet. The back¬ground of emergence of New economy in the Internet, the types of the most popular economic relations and means of their implementation are briefly described. An example of case-study of II Module of Internet Economy is given. Case-studies are used as methodology.

№ 6(24) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Electronic communications
Authors: Leonova Y. V., Fedotov A. M.

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In article the questions connected with optimization of consumption of the Internet traffic and increase of an overall performance of the Internet channel are considered, management problems by information resources and their protection, main principles and concepts, a technique of stage-by-stage reduction of expenses for the Internet traffic and the losses of working hours connected with no-purpose use of a network the Internet, on an example of a scientifically-educational network of NSC SB RAS are described.

№ 6(24) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Supercomputers
Authors: Kiyaev V. I., Nemnyugin S. A.

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Russia supercomputing conference presentations gave unambiguous answer to the question given in the paper title — the progress of supercomputers and high performance computing is the precondition of Russia general progress as a modern state. The President of Russia D. A. Medvedev more than once accentuated this fact in his public speeches and practically all conference reports and presentations spoke about this important circumstance.

№ 6(24) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Information security
The author: Emelyanov A.

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On September, 29th, 2009 in Moscow round table «Safe Internet — is it really possible?» was concluded as part of VI International specialized exhibition-conference on infor¬mational safety «InfoSecurity Moscow — 2009». The experts representing Russian companies «Aladdin», «Positive Technologies)), «Kaspersky's Laboratory)) and «Soft-faks» have taken part in meeting and have told about various threats, trapping Internet users, and also ways of protection against these threats.

№ 6(24) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Information security
The author: Alekseev E.

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In given article the analysis of the open software which can substitute proprietary programs at universities and research laboratories is carried out. The special attention is given to office (OpenOffice.org, AbiWord, Gnumeric and a number of others) and mathematical (Scilab, Maxima, Octave, etc.) applications. References to official sites of all programs mentioned in article, and also references to descriptions in Russian and English languages ofmentioned free programs are presented.

№ 6(24) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Information security
Authors: Andreev V., Fomichev A. I., Sapozhnikova Y. V.

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Intensive growth of the processors power, bringing to nothing many traditional cryptographic decisions, stimulates development of new principles of coding. Application of the dynamic determined chaos theory is one of alternative approaches here. In this work two algorithms of the information coding on the basis of the determined chaos are developed and investigated. As the generator of chaos it is used Lorentz attractor. Optimum parameters of coding are found.

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