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Authors: Vasilyev V., Panfilova I., Serikova A., Sulavko A.     Published in № 5(107) 25 october 2023 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency

Verification of the personality of subjects by face based on neural network algorithms of artificial intelligence performed in protected mode

The aim of the work is to develop a system for verifying subjects by face based on a neural network model that is executed in a protected mode. Protected mode means that the identity verification system is highly resistant to destructive influences, such as competitive attacks, and allows storing and processing biometric data without compromising it. The system is based on a biometrics to code converter trained according to GOST R 52633.5, which allows you to associate the subject’s facial biometrics image with its cryptographic key or long password, which can later be used for authentication, and deep convolutional neural networks. For face detection in the image, the MTCNN artificial neural network architecture was used, and several neural network architectures were tested for feature extraction: InceptionResnet, Facenet512, VGG-Face and OpenFace. The best results were shown by the InceptionResnet neural network. When evaluating the effectiveness and testing the reliability of the proposed system on a special dataset of faces collected under different lighting conditions in a room, it was possible to achieve a relatively low value of equal probability of errors of the first and second kind (EER = 0.0146 with a key length of 278 bits), which confirms the effectiveness of the considered approach to building face verification systems.

Key words

biometrics to code converter, AI protected execution mode, facial biometric, deep learning, face detection, face recognition, features extraction, verification system, convolution neural network

The author:

Vasilyev V.


Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Computer Science and Information Security Department, Ufa University of Science and Technology


Ufa, Russia

The author:

Panfilova I.


Postgraduate, Electronic Systems and Information Security Department, Samara State Technical University


Samara, Russia

The author:

Serikova A.


Student, Integrated Information Security Department, Omsk State Technical University


Omsk, Russia

The author:

Sulavko A.


Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Integrated Information Security Department, Omsk State Technical University


Omsk, Russia